"Making the Decision to have a child - it's monumentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside of your body" - Elizabeth Stone
After the loss of a child deciding to try again is a wayword decision. One day its yes, definitely. The next it's no, lets wait awhile. When the emergency c-section was complete, the emotional healing was in place and we were forced to face reality - we were informed we needed to wait 6 months before trying again. The waiting was not a problem as I was an emotional basket case and needed the time (still need) to come to terms with Evelyn's death.
Barry and I were cleared in 5 months rather than six, and on my second cycle we tested on November 23rd we got this:
Not believing that it was real we did it one more time and got this:
Now, I should state this. my first cycle off birth control was wonky so dating from my last LMP my first betas would be respectively at 13dpo: 212 and 19dpo 2173 which is a doubleing time of 1.7 days! Also making me 5weeks and 3 days pregnant.
We are expecting a little boy OR girl on August 3, 2011.
Fingers are double and triple crossed for a health pregnancy and child this time.