Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Houston We have a heartbeat!

at 133bpm.

One milestone down 1million left to go.

Our appointment on Monday went well, baby bee is measuring 3 days behind what I thought I was so our due date was bumped back from the 3rd to the 6th. Not a real big difference. So instead of Wednesday updates I will be updating on Saturdays.

My OB said right now we are shooting for 29 weeks so every day past 24weeks will be a blessing.

I start seeing my MFM at 12 weeks at which point we may be able to check the cord for flow.

Currently scheduled for an ultrasound every 3 weeks (which is to both ease my mind and keep an eye on everything). My pill regime is staying the same which I don’t mind as long as I can keep them down!

in other news, someone needs to take this cold back from South Florida. 30 degrees, are.you.crazy?? In no way was I prepared for these temps! lol

ps - Where are the pictures you ask? Proud papa has them locked up with his greedy self lol.