Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Breastfeeding after a c-section

I do plan to breast feed Baby Bee due to the many benefits. The only concern I have had was "what will the pain meds do?" At first I thought  I would have to pump and dump and supplement with formula until I was off the pain meds, BUT good old Dr. Google lead me to this here article.

Does having a c-section affect your ability to nurse? It might. Here are five things you should know about breastfeeding after a cesarean.

1. You can breastfeed right after birth. It's possible to breastfeed right away if you receive an epidural (regional anesthetic) for the operation, rather than a general anesthetic, and fortunately most hospitals today use epidurals. You'll need assistance, however, from a nurse, doula, midwife, or your husband for that first latch-on -- ask them to prop you up slightly and to help support the baby.

2. Painkillers and antibiotics may have an effect on your milk. You'll receive medicines via IVs and pills in the days after your delivery, and typically they're fine for nursing mothers and their babies. At most, they'll make your baby a bit sleepy. The benefit of the painkillers is that they'll help you relax enough to breastfeed and stimulate milk production.

3. You might have to try certain holds while you heal. The traditional cradle hold will likely be too tough on your tummy. The football hold, where baby is tucked beside you, will be easier for now, or you can try breastfeeding while lying down. Ask a nurse, midwife, or lactation consultant to help you figure out the easiest breastfeeding position for you.

4. Get extra help at home. It's always great to have someone assist with housework and baby care during those first weeks home, but if you've had a c-section, it may be very necessary -- you may have trouble walking, lifting the baby, and caring for older children. Line up help from your spouse (who may be able to take extra time off), your relatives, or friends. Or you can hire a postpartum doula or baby nurse -- the hospital, your doctor or midwife, or your baby's pediatrician may have recommendations.

5. Keep feeding! While having a cesarean can leave you exhausted, it's still vital to nurse every two to three hours to prevent engorgement. Hopefully, it will be a calming and relaxing part of your day.

Sources: American Academy of Pediatrics; La Leche League

Of course I still plan to run this information by not only my OB,MFM but also a Pediatrician.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Baby Bee {14 weeks}

We actually hit 14 weeks on Thursday - life is so crazy that I neglect this blog, I've been neglecting the wonderful support that I've found on a baby loss board I used to frequency DAILY.

I am hoping that things settle down soon.

How far along: 14 weeks

Team: Green

Total weight gain/loss:
Maintaining same weight (no weight gain, no weight loss) odd?

Maternity clothes: Regular clothes – but a little tight.

Stretch marks: None so far

Sleep:  Evening out.

Best moments this week:
  realizing that everything really might be ok!

Belly button in or out?: Innie

Craving: none.

What I am looking forward to:
a positive outcome.

belly pic: I actually look bigger than I am.

PreEclampsia Watch: No signs.

It's all about hair now as your baby sprouts some on his head, eyebrows, and body. As for Mom, those first-trimester symptoms should be easing up a bit.

Your Baby in Week 14 of Pregnancy

Now the size of your clenched fist, your baby is more fluid-like in his movements, so he’s no longer doing the jerk every time he repositions his arms and legs. Other developments this week include a roof of his own (inside his mouth, that is) as well as intestinal activity: His intestines are producing meconium (which is the waste that will make up his first bowel movement after birth). He is also sporting a downy coating of hair (lanugo) that keeps him nice and warm. Not to worry — you won't give birth to a monkey; baby fat will accumulate over the next few months and take over the function of keeping your baby warm and toasty —allowing most of that hair to shed.

Week 14 Pregnancy Tip: Staying Healthy

As if you didn't have enough pregnancy symptoms to contend with, you're also more susceptible to colds, flu, and other bugs when you're expecting. That's because nature wisely suppresses your immune system during pregnancy to keep your fetus (a foreigner to your body) from being rejected. The key to staying healthy during pregnancy is to engage in some germ warfare. More than ever, the best defense is a strong offense, especially when germs are being passed around your office or home like canapés. Wash your hands often (and carry liquid sanitizer for times when a sink's not handy), don't share drinks or food or toothbrushes, and avoid sick people like the plague (it's okay to banish a sick spouse to the couch with a stack of DVDs). If you think you've caught something, check with your practitioner ASAP, who will treat what you've got with your special needs in mind. If antibiotics are prescribed for a bacterial infection (they're useless against viruses like colds), don't hesitate to take them because you've heard medications aren't safe during pregnancy. Many are — plus getting better fast is the best medicine for your baby.

What You're Thinking:

"I'm too sexy for this pregnancy, too sexy for this pregnancy. ..."

Your Body
You have reached the light at the end of the tunnel. Well, the light at the end of the first tunnel (there will be more). Chances are good that you're feeling as good as you've felt in weeks. If you're not feeling it yet, don't worry, it'll come soon.

Enjoy this reprieve. If you haven't been milking the fact that you're pregnant, make up for lost time this week. Stockpile on sleep, have your partner cater to your every need (craving Ben & Jerry's at midnight? Go get it, lover!), let your mom baby you, have your friends come over to your house, take a personal day off of work, insert whatever you normally would feel pushy doing here. ...

Thought you'd never want to do "it" again, right? You may find that now that your energy levels are picking up, your interest in sex may increase as well.

If your back is starting to hurt, you can thank yet another hormone, relaxin, for the aches and pains. Just like it sounds, relaxin relaxes the joints and muscles in your body to help your pelvis expand and loosens the joints in your hips to make room for baby to come out. It'll also help you do a wicked downward facing dog, so join a yoga class and relish your new flexibility. Relaxin production peeks at 14 weeks and remains in your system until after baby is born.

If you're feeling little contractions or pulling and stretching sensations this week, don't panic. It's just your ligaments stretching and your organs moving to accommodate your growing baby. (Don't worry, your organs will all plop back into place shortly after Junior is born.)

Your Baby

Think of it this way: You're a third of the way through and baby's a third of the way cooked. Now that the "big stuff" (like skeletal and organ development) is taken care of, your baby starts a period of rapid brain growth, fat buildup and detail work. Highlights this week include:

Your baby now has fingerprints! Book 'em, Danno! Believe it or not, he actually created them himself while swimming around in the amniotic fluid. As he moved his hands, the skin on the tips of his fingers formed unique ridges and folds. That's why no one on earth has the same fingerprints, not even identical twins! Cool, right? Baby's arms are now in proportion to his tiny body, but his legs are still on the short size in comparison.

Meconium, that tar-like, sticky first baby poop, is now loading up your baby's intestines, which means you might want to set aside a bottle of olive oil, one of the few things that will get the gooey poop off of baby's bottom.

Your baby continues to gain new and impressive skills such as practicing and controlling voluntary muscle movements (this will help him fling food across the room later in life). Your tiny dancer's movements are no longer the jerky, uncontrollable twitches of yore—he now moves with graceful control.

Your baby is now weighs about an ounce and is the length of a flip phone, or roughly 3.5 inches—he's tripled in size from a mere three weeks ago! Luckily, you haven't done the same.

Your Life

Thinking about life insurance may make your head spin off, but since you'll soon have someone else to protect, you need to make sure they're taken care of. Now's the time to do your research and start considering what kind of coverage is appropriate. A reputable agent can help you make sense of those cryptic insurance terms. Ask family members, colleagues or friends who their trusted agent is, to help get you started.

And without getting too Debbie Downer, you should consider updating (or creating) a will. Consider who you might choose as your child's designated guardians. This is a tough decision and you'll need some time to make the right choice. OK, we'll switch the subject now and talk about something a little more fun.

Now that you're feeling so much better, get out of the house and get active. Make the most of your energy (and size) now ... go snowshoeing in the winter or hiking in the summer. Go swimming, go sailing, have picnics, take walks, lie on the beach or go dancing under the stars. Whatever it is, just get out and move around.

(Info pulled from What to expect when you're expecting)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

NT Scan

We had our NT scan with baby bee on January 26th which would put me just shy of 13 weeks. We found out at 12 weeks that we were having problems with Evelyn – her growth percentage started to slip so reaching this milestone was nerve wrecking! Seriously If I didn’t have Barry there to distract me I would have lost my breakfast from sitting in the waiting room.

As it would turn out – it went perfect… more than perfect! Baby Bee is right where they need to be, the blood tests came back normal and the fluid fold came in at 1.3 (perfect!). I started

We actually had the same ultrasound nurse that scanned us with Evelyn so she knew the back story and made sure to walk slow with us. Barry got to hear Baby Bee’s heartbeat for the first time and he was in love. Afterwards Dr. Rosa our MFM came in and we went over all the details again about what happened with Evelyn, all the tests I took and laid out a solid plan of attack going forward.

Right now we are going to continue with the Baby or low dose aspirin, extra calcium plus vitamin D and my pre-natal’s and we are looking at a due date of 7/7/2011!

Heading into week 14 and feeling a little better about what’s to come!

Please forgive my HORRIBLE cell phone picture of a picture.

This is Baby Bee :)